Wednesday 29 April 2015

Separation Anxiety (SA):  A Puppy’s exaggerated fear over separation from its owners.
Signs of separation anxiety:
·        Fearfulness
·        Clinginess
·        Hyperactivity
·        Barking/yelping
·        Destroying objects
·        Urinating/defecating inappropriately
·        Vomiting
·        Diarrhea
·        Extreme salivation
·        Depression when they think/or are about to be left alone
It is important to know that separation anxiety can occur in any breed and at any age. It really starts the moment you bring your Havanese puppy home. This little puppy has now left his litter-mates and begins to cry when he is left alone. This is a big change for your new baby. When he cries, you go and pick him up and show sympathy. All you are doing is rewarding his negative behavior.
Some Causes of Separation Anxiety:
Lack of Owner Leadership
Do you remember those nights when your sweet little puppy cried in the crate? It was so sad you just couldn't leave him in there, right? Or those days he howled and slapped you with his paw until you picked him up? It was “so cute” right? Unfortunately, by not properly ignoring his bad behavior he has now learned that it is acceptable and rewarding because he gets attention.  It is important that you not give in to negative behavior while training your new Havanese puppy! He always needs to see you as the one “in charge”. If he continuously cries in his crate and you go to him, he does not know he is doing something wrong. All he will learn is, well if I cry, someone will pet me. He is training you! Remember it will always be easier to train correctly than to break a bad behavior.
Lack of Exercise
Too much energy stored up in a puppy can bring out behavioral issues. When you leave him alone, it will intensify his stress and he will act out because he does not know what to do with all that energy. Remember to walk him or let him run around the house or yard at least in the morning and at night.
Change in Schedule
A substantial, quick change in a puppy’s schedule can trigger an onset of separation anxiety. For example, some of our clients tell us that they are taking time off from work to be home with their new Havanese puppy for his first couple of weeks at home. Imagine how your puppy will feel after spending all day, every day with him to now being left alone for hours. This type of change may cause separation anxiety in your puppy unless you start training him right from the first day.
There are a number of medications that can cause your puppy to do his business in the house, cause him to become anxious, and act out. If your Havanese is on any new medication and begins to show any new or odd behavior, please contact his veterinarian immediately to find out whether or not they might contribute to any issues.

All puppies show some signs of separation anxiety at some point. It’s only natural for any baby. But as he grows older, these signs should show less and less as he becomes more confident about being alone. The key to preventing separation anxiety is teaching him that leaving him alone actually means good things!
One of the most important things is to not make your departures a big deal. Don’t constantly hug your puppy and “coo” over him because you are feeling guilty about leaving him. This WILL cause separation anxiety. In the beginning of training make your departures quick and quiet. When you come home, always do something else before going to your puppy. Take your coat off, put your groceries away, anything but going directly to him! You want to avoid your puppy getting the impression that leaving is a big deal. Saying good-bye is something we do naturally as people, it helps us deal with separation. You want your new puppy to learn that your leaving is just part of the routine. If you feel bad about leaving him, he will sense it and it will upset him.
Training your Havanese puppy is one of the best ways to prevent separation anxiety. Teach him as many commands as possible. Your puppy should be able to “Sit” “Stay” “Come” on command while you reassure him. The reason behind all this training is to teach dogs to relax and develop confidence. Remember to praise continuously when he does well. We need to teach and reward patience and calmness. Teach your puppy to accept his crate. Allow him to check it out under supervision. He needs to learn his limits and boundaries, just as a child would learn. It’s very important that his training is consistent for everyone who interacts with your new puppy.
It is important that Havanese Puppies spend time separated from their new families. They need to learn that only calm behavior gets you to come back. By separating your puppy, just place him in another room or his crate (some pups feel more comfortable in a smaller area like their crates) when you are busy at home or leaving the house. Start with very short periods of just a few minutes and build up from there. It is important to make it a point to only return and greet them when he is calm and quiet. This will reinforce positive behavior. Again, be sure to continuously praise his good behavior. You should always make time during your day for your Havanese puppy to be alone.
Some Helpful Tips When Dealing with Seperation Anxiety:
·        Be understanding.
o   If your Havanese Puppy is suffering from separation anxiety, he is not misbehaving or being spiteful. Do not punish or isolate him. Both of these tactics will only make his condition worse.
·        Redirect his behavior.
o   You could try feeding him a small meal, remember young puppies whose bellies are full are more likely to be relaxed than those who’s are hungry. Make sure he’s done his business outside before putting him in his crate.
·        Remember to keep your comings and goings low-key!
o   If you go through coming home and leaving like it’s not a big deal, so will he.
·        Teach him to tolerate you leaving and coming back.
o   Give him a treat or toy. Then leave the house for a few minutes and then return. He will begin associating this with pleasure. Extend the time you’re gone during each training session.

Remember, at Royal Flush Havanese we are ALWAYS here to help you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are having any issues with separation anxiety. We want this to be a happy, joyful, and loving experience for you and your amazing new Havanese puppy! 

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